開放時間 Open Hour
01.週一至週五 12:20-13:20;17:30-19:00;19:00-20:30;
開放對象 Fitness Center is open for
01. 本校運動代表隊、教職員工、學生。
02. 其他人士。
體適能費用說明 Sanitary and Maintenance Fee of Fitness Canter
本校學生憑學生證每次清潔維護費 30 元,教職員憑服務證每次清潔 50 元,非學生之其他人士每次收費 100 元。
健身房規定 Regulations
收費標準 Charges
校隊 | 0/次 | 1.校隊每人每學期30次免費使用。 2.本校學生憑學生證每次清潔維護費30元,教職員憑服務證每次清潔維護費30元,其他人士每次收費100元。 3.採網路預約制,凡預約三次不到者,兩週內不得申請。 4.如體能不適、氣喘及其他疾病者不建議使用。 5.每次每時段至多使用1.5小時。 6.收費標準依本校運動場地設施管理辦法。 7.其他規定詳體適能中心使用規則。 |
本校學生 | 30/次 | |
教職員 | 50/次 | |
其他人士 | 100/次 |
Open Hour
01. Monday to Friday: 12:20-13:20;17:30-19:00;19:00-20:30 ; Saturday: 14:00-15:30;15:30-17:00。
02. Fitness Center will be temporarily closed in the midterm/final exam week, winter/summer vacation, and national holidays.
03. If the open hour changes unexpectedly, an announcement will be made by the Fitness Center.
Fitness Center is open for
01. NPUST sports team members, NPUST faculties and administrative staffs, and NPUST students.
02. Others (Non NPUST users)
Sanitary and Maintenance Fee of Fitness Canter
NPUST student: 30NT/each time; NPUST faculty and administrative staff: 50NT/each time; and others: 100NT/each time
Note: Please show your identified certificate (e.g.: student ID) when you enter the fitness center.
01. To apply for the use of fitness center, please make a reservation online every time. The online reservation system is available three days
prior to the date on which they would like to use the fitness center. Please be note that there is a penalty for missing a reservation. If users
miss three reservations consecutively or inconsecutively, they will be banned from using for two weeks.
02. For the rights of each user, everyone can use the fitness center for no more than 1.5 hours. Please have your change ready and identified
certificate or ID card when entering the gym. If a user forgets his/ her ID card, that user can still use
the gym however they will have to pay the fee of a non NPUST user, which is $100NT.
03. For the flow sequence of using, the maximum of users is 40 people in the gym.
04. Please wear sports clothes and shoes and bring your own water and towel when entering. No bare foot, sandals or unsuitable clothing.
05. Every user must ensure his/ her health condition and be responsible for personal safety.
06. Make sure to understand the using methods for every facility and enough warm-up before starting in order to reduce personal and facility
07. When using weights please use lightly and return when finished.
08. Please take turns and share with others when using these facilities.
09. Please wipe out your sweat after using every facility.
10. No beverages are allowed except for bottles of water.
11. To respect other users, no making noises, talking in low volume and no interrupting behaviors.
12. Please use the facilities following the normal procedure to maintain personal safety and facility.
13. Please do not bring your valuables with you or keep on your own. If any loss occurred, it is not responsible for the damage.
14. If any damage for the facility from inappropriate usage, the user is responsible for the liability to pay compensation. Please tell the staff
when finding facility damage before using.
15. Matters not mentioned herein, the PE office will notify later.